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6 & 7 July 2024

Lydia Davis

Founder and Baker Little S&P

Lydia's food journey started when she was very young cooking at home. Growing up in a family of 6 she would try to get out of milking the cows by opting to make dinner instead. From here her passion for food grew. 

She studied here in the Waikato and has over 10 years of experience in hospitality. After having kids she thought the hospitality lifestyle was not ideal with a young family so pursued her dream to work for herself. 

"I would never have dreamed about making dairy and gluten-free treats for a living but I discovered them when my daughters experienced sensitivities while I was breastfeeding. I eliminated it out of my diet and become obsessed with making them for myself," she says. She took the risk to turn it into a business and now makes delicious raw treats to sell online direct to her customers or through local stockists.

Get to know Lydia:

Favourite restaurant/or café in the Waikato to go out to:

Gothenburg Restaurant

Most underrated vegetable, cut of meat or seafood?


The kitchen utensil you can't live without?

A frying pan

If you didn’t become a chef what would you have been?

A teacher

What is your one ingredient that is your staple?


Saturday night in with a movie, what is your comfort meal?


Where to see Lydia...

Wholesome Hub

Saturday 2.00pm

Raw Vegan desserts made from all natural gluten, dairy and refined sugar free ingredients.